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Mary Ann's Doll House - Page 2

This Wonderful Doll House Has A Fantastic Selection Of Porcelain Dolls Just Waiting for A Home! These fine porcelain dolls make wonderful gifts to add to any collection.

Baby Dolls
Who can resist a Baby Doll? These dolls are so wonderful and they will make a great gift or addition to your collection. And they are only
$30.00 each!
Baby Dolls

Victorian Dolls
Victorian Dolls
These beautiful Victorian Dolls take you back to a nostalgic era of grace and romance. Exquisitely dressed in every detail, these little ladies are the finest on the market today. Take one home for
Only $20.00

Kissing Couples Dolls
Aren't these dolls adorable? These dolls are a decorator's delight. Wouldn't these look sweet as an